Nel seguente elenco è possibile trovare informazioni (sindacato globale di affiliazione, sito web, e mail e altro) per ogni singola organizzazione sindacale nazionale affiliata a ITUC (Confederazione sindacale internazionale) o alle principali Federazioni Sindacali Globali (UNI Global Union, Industriall, ITF, IUF, BWI, PSI).

Esplora la lista usando i filtri qui sotto o passa alla mappa del mondo.

Per informazioni più dettagliate si rimanda alla metodologia.


Acv-csc transcom-be UNI - BE Agro-industrial workers' union of ukraine [aiwu ukraine] IUF - UA Alianza de tranviarios de méxico ITF - MX All-russian life-support workers' union PSI - RU Apesma-au UNI - AU Asociación sindical de pilotos aviadores ITF - MX Aspek-id UNI - ID Automobile and farm machinery workers' union of russia - afw IndustriAll - RU Bectu-uk UNI - GB Cgsp-t-be UNI - BE Chemical and health indonesian prosperity trade union - kikes IndustriAll - ID Chemical, energy and mines workers union - cemwu spsi IndustriAll - ID Communications, electrical, electronic, energy, information, postal, plumbing & allied services union of australia - cepu IndustriAll - AU Cpsu-au UNI - AU Cwu-ua UNI - UA Dansk metal - danish metal workers’ union UNI - DK Djof-dk UNI - DK El & it forbundet PSI - NO Energy and electrical engineering industry workers union PSI - UA F hukatan - forestry, wood and agricultural sectors BWI - ID F3c cfdt-fr UNI - FR Federación nacional refresquera [croc] IUF - MX Federasi buruh transportasi dan pelabuhan indonesia (fbtpi) ITF - ID Federasi serikat pekerja kimia, energy partambangan, minyak, gas bumi dan unum - fsp kep IndustriAll - ID Federation of indonesian cement workers' union IndustriAll - ID
Agro-industrial workers' union of the russian federation [aiwu] IUF - RU Agrupación sindical única de trabajadores y empleados de la industria gastronómica, hoteles, moteles, bares, centros nocturnos, recreativos y conexos del d.f. [asutigh] IUF - MX All-russian "electric trade union" (aretu) IndustriAll - RU Antic-ro UNI - RO Asociación sindical de oficiales de máquinas de la marina mercante nacional ITF - MX Asociación sindical de sobrecargos de aviación de méxico ITF - MX Automobile and agricultural machinery workers' union IndustriAll - UA Aviation radar, radionavigation and communication workers' union of russia ITF - RU Ceppwawu-za UNI - ZA Cgt-fapt-fr UNI - FR Chemical and petrochemical workers' union IndustriAll - UA Communication workers' union of russia ITF - RU Contcop-br UNI - BR Cwu-ru UNI - RU Cwu-uk UNI - GB Def - the danish union of electricians UNI - DK Dockers' union of russia ITF - RU El & it-no UNI - NO Energy and elektrotechnical industry workers' union - eeiwu IndustriAll - UA F-kui - federation of construction, informal and general workers BWI - ID Federación de sindicatos de trabajadores al servicio de los gobiernos estatales, municipales e instituciones descentralizadas de los estados unidos mexicanos PSI - MX Federal union of air traffic controllers of russia ITF - RU Federasi pekerja pelabuhan indonesia (fppi) ITF - ID Federation of hotel, restaurant, plaza, apartment, catering and tourism workers' free union [fspm] IUF - ID Federazione italiana dei lavoratori del commercio alberghi mense e servizi [filcams-cgil] UNI - IT
196 sindacati
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